Edith Janulf (1908-2000)


Edith Dagmar Maria Janulf, b. Haglund in Falköping, Sweden Sep 2 1908.


Sven Johan Haglund, b. Andersson in Ljusseveka, Haga (Värnamo), Sweden Nov 1 1879, d. in Almunge, Uppland Dec 8 1915.
Nanny Amanda Natalia Haglund, b. Sjögren in Ronneby, Sweden Feb 7 1887, d. in Jönköping, Sweden Aug 8 1981.


Nils Ragnar (1910-1998), b. in Falköping, d. in Skärstad, Jönköping.
Gustav Vilhelm (1911-1980), b. in Falköping, d. in Huddinge.
Anders Valter (1915-1976), b. in Almunge, d. in Gävle.
Cerny Asta Carola (1921-2009), b. in Jönköping , d. in the same place. Maternal sister.

All places Sweden.


September 15 1938 Edit married in Härnösand, Västernorrland´s county to Alf Wilhelm Janulf, b. Jansson December 19 1912 in Härnösand, d. May 15 1988 in the same place.


With Hans Simon Lennart Karlsson, from 1937 Graneryd (1907-1988) - out of wedlock -

Ulf Lennart Sebastian Haglund Oct 31 1928 in Jönköping, Sweden.

With Alf Wilhelm Janulf:

Solveig Maria Janulf
Björn Alf-Göran Janulf
Bengt Vilhelm Janulf

Death and burial[]

Edith died on May 17 2000 in Härnösand. She is buried with her husband Alf at 'Nya kyrkogården' in Härnösand, county Västernorrland.


Edith was seven years old, with three minor siblings, when her father 1915 died in Länna, Uppland. In 1920 she was sent to a foster home in Roestorp, Svarttorp, Jönköping's county, after she, but not her mother, had recovered from the Spanish flu. She was well treated here and being interested in domestic housework she became a servant with the Bergström family in Ebbes Bruk, Jönköping's county.

In 1936, as a waitress at restaurant Alphyddan in Jönköping she met and in 1938 married the musician Alf Janulf (then Jansson) from Härnösand, Västernorrland's county, where the family settled. Alf was also an electrician and started a business there, where to begin with Edith often took part of the practical work.

During World War II she was enrolled in ‘Lottakåren’ (Women's voluntary defence service). Being an interested troop gymnast she now took up walking, both hobbies lasting through the years. In Holland, for example, she joined several times ‘the Nijmegen march’, during 4 days of walking 40 km a day. In the last years of her professional life she took up studies and became a medical secretary. She was widowed in 1988 when Alf died from a heart disease.

External links[]


Edith, 26, demonstrating the new 'EBE-spisen' in director Bergström´s kitchen.

Edith, 26, demonstrating the new stove 'EBE-spisen' in director Bergström's kitchen - for an advertising brochure.

Arriving in Switzerland 1976, ready for walking

1976 arriving in Switzerland - ready for walking
